2023 Crop Insurance Prices:

Corn Spring Guarantee $5.91

Corn Harvest Price $4.88

Soybean Spring Guarantee $13.76

Soybean Harvest Price $12.84

Crop Insurance is a vital piece to a risk management strategy. Once established, a crop insurance policy protects you from losses to yield and market price. Contact us to learn more about utilizing crop insurance in your operation.

Uncertainty in Yield and Market Prices

Agriculture is inherently unpredictable. Farmers face factors beyond their control, such as pests, diseases, and failed planting seasons. Crop insurance guarantees financial security, providing a vital safety net against production risks. This assurance grants farmers the confidence to invest, expand operations, and innovate, knowing that they are protected from unforeseen circumstances.
Market price fluctuations also pose a significant risk. Crop insurance, combined with yield protection, provides farmers with a buffer against market volatility, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their products, irrespective of unpredictable price fluctuations.